The first project is similar to one I had initially discovered on the the internet. It was pitched as a lemon-to-lemonade thing: "If you break a terra cotta pot this is what you can do with it." I didn't have a broken terra cotta pot, but I did have a perfectly good one.
Shattered to pieces. |
Note to self: Do not hammer so hard next time. The first hit didn't break the pot sufficiently but the second hit shattered the pot. If there is a technique to breaking a terra cotta pot correctly, I clearly don't know it. I had to glue some of the pieces back on to make this project work. I smiled to myself appreciating the irony.
The good news is terra cotta pots are cheap when on sale. I saw a similar sized pot to this one in a flyer for $1.99. So if it's a complete fail, you haven't lost much.
Click on pictures to enlarge
The second indoor project, has been on my list of "to dos" for a long time. Every time I walked past the indoor, artificial tree in our living room I glanced down thinking (knowing) how perfect a small fairy scene would look at the base of the trunk. An added bonus was that it would cover the fake and unsightly black dirt.
Plan for a water element. |
Both projects were quick and simple. They didn't completely satisfy my desire to get my hands in dirt, but at least the wait was tolerable.
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