Sunday, January 17, 2016

Welcome to my Blog!

I’m thinking that anyone who has ever started a blog, must feel like me: What should my first post be about? It's an important one, make an impression right? I know my blog will evolve, but to begin with it will primarily be about my artwork, crafting, reading, travel and writing for therapy, all with a sprinkle of humor here and there. In the summer the humor part will be easy as I will be blogging about my golfing.

About the name of my blog: Ish Ka Bibble. It took a long time to come up with it. Over a year actually. I thought about it (a name for my Blog) often, searched the internet for clever sayings and even went page by page through my dictionary. As it turns out I didn't need to do any of those things. It was here all along. It is just right and here is why:

First, Ish Ka Bibble has sentimental value: my Mom, pictured. She’s been saying this word forever, in the context of something being “ishy” like moldy bread or dog poop. We all say it now, even my kids. It's part of our family history. The sign below was the (kind of a joke) gift I gave her at Christmas.
Second,  is its meaning, which as it turns out has nothing to do with ishy things. Technically it’s not even a real word, like in the dictionary real. But there are a few items I found that give the phrase context. The one that I'll talk about and want to represent my blog is "to have no worries” or “don’t worry”. I tend to be a worrier so it's a good reminder to me to chill out and just take it easy. Third, it’s quirky, unique and just kinda fun to say! I’m guessing this phrase (and several other nonsensical words my mom uses which I'll talk about in other blog posts) was something my grandma used to say and mom just carried it along with her.  Like I said, it's got history in our family.   

                                                 So Mom, this blogs for you!

If you are reading this, I sincerely thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you come back. I’m super excited about my new blog! My next post will be about one of my first - and most fun - craft projects. Slightly inappropriate but isn't that what made it fun?!?

Thanks to Kevin (my husband) for his continued encouragement and support for me about this blog and of course for helping me getting it up and running. I am looking forward to writing it and very grateful for this new opportunity.

(One other thing about Ish Ka Bibble. In 2005 a blog was created using Ish Ka Bibble as its name and internet address (no activity since then) so I had to add an "r" (ishkabbibler) to the end of my actual internet address. Just FYI if you ever notice the discrepancy.)

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