Monday, February 1, 2016

That 1990's hair!

This post is longer than usual. If you are reading it I appreciate it and want to sincerely thank you. I hope it amuses you.
When I posted these pictures on Facebook yesterday, I had no idea they would generate so many laughs and comments (mostly due to my hair.) I might've been the one who laughed longest and loudest. I am still chuckling. Funny thing is, when mom gave them to me the night before, I didn't laugh at all.

                           Vegas, here we come!!!

Thinking back, I specifically remember not liking that perm. In fact I hated it!  I knew that my hair needed at least one more week (or year) before it was going to "relax" enough to look any better(What, did I get it that morning?) But since we were leaving for Vegas that day, Limo and all, what choice did I have? Still not laughing
Your limo awaits!
I also remember that Eric (my third and youngest son) had been born less than six weeks prior. He was my only baby who after 6 weeks I wasn't down to my pre-baby weight. I had gained a gross 50 lbs and was still 25 pounds heavier then before. I felt overweight, no, let's be honest, I felt fat. Depressingly, none of my regular clothes fit either - which explain the "jammies" I was wearing. SO not laughing.

(Side note: I stubbornly refused to accept those unwanted 25 pounds. I spent that entire summer, counting calories and either roller-blading or doing Jane Fonda in front of the TV - VHS tapes back then. They were gone by August!!!)

I also remember being stressed about leaving 6 week young Eric and the older boys (Adam, 7 and Ryan, 3) for a Vegas trip.That was tough. I was going to miss them terribly even though I knew they would be fine. Plus, I don't like flying - so why the hell was I going to Vegas?

Back then, to qualify for the the annual VNEA World Championship Tournament in Las Vegas, you had to first win your 16 team end-of-the-year league tournament. It was a big deal to do that. Our team, sponsored by the LaPlayette (St. Joseph, MN) was newer to the league and the clear underdogs. So it was a feat when we advanced to the championship match and claimed victory, knocking off the mighty St. Cloud Press ladies! Hah! Our first time ever. We never looked back after that. (Some of us eventually joining the Mens Masters league where we continued to learn and improve our game.) 

Winning the league tournament also entitled us to the season purse, the proceeds of which had to be used for the Vegas tournament. I don't remember the exact prize amount but it defrayed most of the expenses. I had to go!
Typical Pool Tournament set-up. This, the 2015 VNEA World Championship.

But back to the picture. Up until Kevin's wisecrack, it was just a bad perm and bad timing. I had no intention of posting those pictures at all. I blame (or credit) Kevin for that. He only first saw them Sunday morning but it didn't take long for him (while laughing of course) to blurt out, "God your hair! You look like one of those clowns (laughing louder now, hardly able to talk)--the ones that have red hair!!"  

I hadn't thought of that. So with fresh eyes I took a second look at myself. In the clown context I saw exactly what he saw and the floodgates opened!!! Laughing now! We laughed and laughed. Eventually Ronald McDonald joined the fun.

After that everyone in the picture was fair game: Kelly, with her pants holding up her boobs. Sue, fresh off a Motley Crue tour. Julie, shirt perfectly tucked into her "attractive mom pants", same hair style she has today. Only Kim, looking 80's chic, came out unscathed. 

Whatever, we all have pictures like this, right? They are cringe-worthy even if taken years ago (this one over 25). It got me wondering about our true motives behind picture taking. Do we take pictures to preserve memories or to laugh at ourselves years later? Maybe it's a little of each. So, if your pictures do either - be strong, be brave, post them! 

For me, those were such good times, who cares if we had 1990's hair or funny clothes? The memories are worth it. And don't we all need a good laugh once in a while?

Here's the answer to yesterdays FB who's who teaser:

Bringing awareness to the kidnapping of Jacob Wetterling


And here are those 1990 ladies again,  in Vegas, looking 1990's hot and ready to kick some ass!
                      Julie Taufen, Kelly Haffner, Diane McGrew, Kim Schmit, Sue Felix Zimmer

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